Friday, October 21, 2005

I'm baaaack! least for now :)
You may have guessed by now, I have an extremely short attention span - which is why I disappeared from the blog scene for a while. My mind and time was occupied with a million other just as unimportant things!
Anyway - major update on my life: HE'S GONE :( Okay, okay - I'm being dramatic - but anyway, he moved to the Ontario area - a whole 2 hr flight away. He hasn't dropped me though - we're still doing the long distance thing, going on 4 years and 2 months now - feels like a lifetime. This is the first time I've been away from him for this long over the 4 year period. And surprisingly, I'm doing quite well. I had my first two days of crying constantly coz I missed him so much, and then another two days of bitching about him spending too much time with a certain female - but now I'm over all that and life is slowly returning back to normal.
I thought I'd be bored outta mind and have nothing to do - but I seem to have plenty to do. I'm back in the gym too, and I'm actually going almost every day without being coerced into it - That's a BIG deal for me :) 'Coz not only am I fickle, I'm lazy too!
Tonite - I'm going to go shoe shopping. I'd like to find 2 pairs of boots - I want one pair that I can wear to work, heels high enough but not too high - I've really gotten into the whole "comfort" thing. And, I can't work when I'm not comfortable. The other pair can be something cooler, funkier and cheaper. It's so hard to shop in Halifax. If you do manage to find something half decent - the rest of the city is probably wearing it too - and I HATE that!
I'm going to be visiting my baby in ON in a few weeks and I can't wait! I'm weird - when I'm not around someone for about a week ...I sort of "forget" what they look like, talk like, smell like, etc. Then I get nervous about seeing the person too. So, yeah - I'm excited and nervous at the same time. And, he's coming here for xmas - he gets 10 days off so that's gonna be some real quality time. I was hoping to quit my job by xmas and have found something better - but considering xmas is just 2 months away, I'm pretty sure that won't be happening.
My friend W. is coming down for xmas too - so looking forward to that! Don't know about M. as yet though - I hope she'll be here too :) It would be a nice little reunion - the last time we were all together was last xmas. And Lord knows, I NEED my friends - I feel like such a loner at one's left in this sorry excuse for a city!
Anyway...enough *blah, blah* for now - I really should get back to pretending to work - as much as I dislike my job, it's still the reason I can eat :) Hopefully, I won't be gone for too long this time... Till then....